Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Samuel Douglas McDowall's Farm Journal 1

Leota F ?ennings C?
A. Caruthers Presiding
8 15 22 29   7 14 21 28

Left the Country
1 1
a 1
1 1
a s
a a

(on Left side) To Destroy Bugs on
Take rainwater in a sprinkler
Put into it enough carbolic acid to
it smells of the acid say a Tablespoonful
to a 5all

To make cloth waterproof
4 oz pulverize rosin
1 oz powdered sugar ?
1 qt. linseed oil
heat in a kettle to dissolve
(faintly) - small pox

For Strains

1 pt Turpentine                   1 oz cream tartar
1 oz camphor                      in pt hot water drank
1 oz corrosive subli?                            at ? cold
2 oz muriatic acid                                               
2 oz butt? antioning?                                            
1 white v?  pulverized                                              

(Right side) Suet Pudding

1 cup suet chopped fine
1 cup molasses
3 cups flour
1 cup sweet milk
1 cup raisins
2 teaspoonfuls baking powder

Put into buttered tins. Set in a kettle
boiling water - let it steam 3 hours.


1 teacup sugar  1/2 cup water
2 eggs  1 Tablespoonful lemon or
brandy. 1 Tablespoonful
butter. Boil in a pan set in
boiling water. Stir constantly

Egyptian Salve

Beeswax 2 oz Rosin 3 oz Lard 4 oz
Carbolic Acid 1 drachm  Honey 1/2 oz
Boil altogether and then add
a piece of ???

Prarie Dog January AD 1881

Saturday 1 Cloudy and mild. About noon began to snow. Snowed quite fast at ?sundown?
12th storm of the season  Fell about 2 inches
Sun 2 Bright, cold, clear N wind   Myron Otis was buried today
Mon 3 Bright clear cold
Tues 4 Clear and Pleasant   snow melting
Wed 5 A regular blizzard - snowed all day. High winds from NW - the worst
13th Storm of season  storm I have seen in Kansas 13th storm of season stopped snowing after dark still blowing.
Thurs 6  A bright beautiful day                snow settling fast
Fri 7 Cloudy with snow falling. About 4 AM began to snow quite hard - not cold
Sat 8  14th Snowstorm  Snow drifting, very cold, wind from E and N snow all
all day. Ther(mometer) ranged from 27 degrees to 30 degrees below zero Osborne City, Kirwin and Norton
Sun 9 Clear and quite cold, the coldest night of the season, the snow settling
Mon 10 Clear and pleasant
Tues 11 Clear and pleasant, thawing.  Killed 5 hogs
Wed 12 Bright beautiful day. Snow nearly gone unless in the drift
Thur 13 Cloudy, cold and blustering, freezing
Fri 14 Clear, quite a breeze SW
Sat 15 Clear, bright and warm. Snow melting
Sun 16 Clear cool and pleasant. Snowed during the night - 15th storm

January Continued
Mon 17 Cloudy calm and warm.
Tues 18 Light fall of snow about sunrise. Cleared off pleasent. Sam started to Graham.
Wed. 19 A warm spring like day. Snow thawing very fast
Thurs. 20 Variable. Blustering and rain, indications of a storm. Wind from N.+NW
Fri 16(th storm) 21 Blustering with fine snowfall W. N. Cold and snowing all day
Sat 17(th storm) 22 A real blizzard from N and NW
Sun 23 Variable sunshine and cloudy snowing light, not cold
Mon 24 Very heavy frost, day pleasent. Snow settled considerable
Tues. 25 Clear and cold N wind. Children came home
Wed. 26 Clear and cold
Thurs. 27 Clear and pleasant toward sundown, quite cold
Fri. 28 Clear and cold
Sat. 29 Hazy warm, snow melting
Sun. 30 Warm and pleasent in A.M., in P.M. got cold and blustering
This month has been very cold and stormy, throughout the
entire US but during the wettest it was here the most pleasent
of the Mon. Viz. 10, 11 & 12 in Mi??le Co it was 28 degrees below Zero
February 1881
Tues. 1 Clear and cold
Wed. 2 Clear. Bright and warm
Thurs. 3 Warm spring day, Floating clouds
Fri. 4 cloudy with a raw S wind, every apperance of falling weather
Sat. 5 Began to rain last evening and rained all day, in the evening,
com. snowing and snowed all night Wind from E+N
Sun. 6 still snowing, Blowing and drifting Wind from N 18th snowstorm continuing all night
Mon 7 clear and bright, snow settleing
Tues. 8 Floating clouds moderate, snow melting fast
Wed. 9 Clear with Cold N.W wind
Thurs. 10 Cloudy. Cold. Freezing, snowed in the night 19(th storm) of snow
Fri. 11 Snow drifting, high N wind very cold, very disagreeable moderate in at SS
Sat. 12 Sun bright snow drifting, and quite cold
Sun. 13 Cloudy and calm, snow melting, snowed all night 20(th storm) snow
Mon. 14 snowing and drifting cold, a very cold night
Tues. 15 bright sunshine, quite cold
Wed. 16 clear sunshine moderate
Thurs. 17 cloudy, calm and warmer
Fri. 18 Clear cold N wind, snow melting in places shielded by the wind
February continued
Saturday 19 Clear and warm thawing fast
Sunday 20 Clear and warm, began to thaw about 8 AM wind from SW
Mon 21 Warm and thawing
Tues 22 Clear warm and pleasant
Wed 23 Clear and bright. Mud Mud
Thurs. 24 Clear and warm
Fri 25 Bright and warm water running fast, creek raising
Sat. 26 Raw. Cold. NW wind thawing, creeks full banks looks threatening
Sun 27 Cloudy and Raw. Cold
Mon 28 cloudy, apperances of rain
The Few last days of this month have been very pleasant. The
ground is quite wet, the snow is nearly gone under in heavy
drifts. the creek is in passible condition.
March 1881
Tues. 1 A beautiful warm morning, a real spring morning
Wed. 2 cloudy, blustering and disagreeable, began to snow about 12 M and give 21(st storm) snow a regular blizzard, the heaviest snowfall of the season, stops about 5 PM
Thurs. 3 Clear and Bright, snow melting very fast, nearly gone at sun down.
Fri 4 Cloudy cold, W wind
Sat 5 Clear warm and pleasant put in tomato and pepper seed
Sun 6 22(nd) snow storm calm and pleasant
Mon 7 about 3 in of snow and still falling, quite warm, snow melting
Tues 8 clear and warm snow nearly melted, a light shower in the night
Wed 9 clear and springlike
Thurs 10 cloudy and warm
Fri 11 snow rain and mud very changeable
Sat 12 cold cloudy and windy
Sun 13 Cloudy and cold
Mon 14 22 degrees snowstorm, quit snowing about 10 AM
Tues 15 Cloudy and Moderate
Wed. 16 Clear and warm, snow melting fast
Thurs. 17 26(th) snowstorms very calm and warm. Snow soft flakes large 5 in full. quit about M, melted very fast

March continued
Fri 18 Clear warm and pleasant
Sat 19 Cloudy, raw and cold
Sun 20 Rain. Clouds. Sunshine and snow. 25(th) snowstorm, quite cold
Mon 21 Cloudy rainy and cold, NW wind, ground froze, thawed during AM
Tues 22 Clear warm a spring day
Wed 23 Clear cool breeze, but springlike
Thurs 24 clear beautiful spring day, Sam and James are started to Sheridan to plow S???
Fri 25 Floating clouds, very pleasant and springlike
Sat 26 Clear warm and springlike
Sun 27 Cloudy with a stiff cool breeze from NW apperances of rain
Mon 28 clouds sunshine and rain in the morning
Tues 29 Cloudy and cold, NW wind
Wed 30 Clouds and sunshine, cold NW wind
Thurs. 31 Cloudy raw cold day every apperance of a storm
Thus closes the the most tedious winter I ever experienced: short of hay
 and no grain for stock, kept twelve head of cattle and seven head of horses
 on about 8 tons of Millet hay, the colts are in fair order, the older horses are thin.

April 1881
Fri 1 Floating Clouds, cold NW wind
Sat 2 Clouds and sunshine stiff NE Breeze
Sun 3 Cloudy raw cold day N wind
Mon 4 Clear and warm
Tues 5 pleasant AM chilly PM
Wed 6 Cloudy. Cold. Raw disagreeable day looks like a storm, snowed at night.
Thurs 7 Rain, clouds and snow. Cold and raw NW wind.
Fri 8 Cloudy cold NW wind. More pleasant then yesterday
Sat 9 Snowed in the night, ground covered with snow. Warm and pleasant
Sun 10 Bright beautiful spring morning
Mon 11 Cold, Raw and Blustering, Snowed in the night
Tues 12 A regular blizzard, snow drifting and cold 3 1/2 or 3 in
Wed. 13 Clear snow melting
Thurs 14 Clear with quite a breeze
Fri 15 Beautiful spring morning
Sat 16 Clear with high wind. Planted trees on Homestead
Sun 17 Hazy warm and springlike, every appearance of rain
Mon 18 A beautiful spring day, Balmy and pleasant

April continued 
Tues 19 Bright and warm, a shower in the night. Planted corn and potatoes
Wed 20 Cloudy and cool, had a fine rain commenced at 11 AM rained all day
Thurs 21 Foggy, cleared off, warm and springlike
Fri 22 Clear and balmy 
Sat 23 Cloudy and threatening a rain storm
Sun 24 Cloudy, still looks like rain 
Mon 25 clear and cool, NW wind rained a light shower in the night with high winds
Tue 26 Clear warm and beautiful
Wed 27 Clear warm beautiful day, finished planting potatoes
Thurs 28 Cool stiff NW breeze
Fri 29 cloudy and cold, went down to Graham Co
Sat 30 Clear and very warm, clouded up at night
This has been a beautiful month. Not much corn planted, ground prepared generally
May 1881
Sun 1 Cloudy, cool and rainy
Mon 2 Cold and cloudy gives us a good rain. Came home in rain.
Tues 3 Cloudy, raw, and cool. Began to rain about 4 PM
Wed 4 Cleared off in AM was warm and pleasant. 
Thurs 5 clear and warm
Fri 6 clear and warm good breeze. still planting corn
Sat 7 Warm with floating clouds, had a beautiful rain. 
Sun 8 Floating clouds quite warm. Everything refreshed by rain.
Mon 9 Cloudy, sunshine and warm. Hailstorm about 6 o'clock - did fine plants and not do much damage. did not extend E far came from S
Tues 10 Clear and warm. Boys went to Sheridan Co to plant timber.
Wed 11 Variable but warm 
Thurs 12 Cloudy, cold with appearance of rain, light shower. 
Fri 13 Clear and warm
Sat 14 Clear bright and warm
Sun 15 Heavy fog, cleared off warm
Mon 16 Clear and warm. Clouded up at night a good shower.
Tues 17 Cloudy and raining - a fine rain - a shower in the night
Wed 18 Cloudy, rainy raw and cold

May cont.
Thurs 19 Cloudy. Rainy. Raw and chilly.
Fri 20 Cloudy raw and cold. Boys went to Homestead with teams
Sat 21 Cloudy raw and disagreeable. Shower in the night
Sun 22 Changeable clouds and sunshine. raw cold breeze
Mon 23 Heavy fog. Cleared off warm
Tues 24 Warm and pleasant a fine rain in the night
Wed 25 Changeable had a fine rain in the afternoon, ground soaked
Thurs 26 Clear and cool
Fri 27 Clear and warm a splendid rain in PM 
Sat 28 Clear and pleasant AM. A fine shower about 2 o'clock.
Sun 29 Rained all day the only all day rain I have seen in Ks.
Mon 30 Rain and sunshine, pleasant. Went to Oberlin.
Tues 31 Warm clear and beautiful. everything growing good.
Corn knee high. Potatoes in bloom. Radishes and lettuce are
 old story 
June 1881
Wed 1 Clear beautiful morning. Manda and Uncle Jo came up
Thurs 2 Cool morning. Warm evening. the day corn growing fine
Fri 3 Cool morning. Warm evening. the day -Manda and Uncle Jo left for home
Sat 4 warm warm 
Sun 5 Very warm and clear. Beautiful rain in the evening.
Mon 6 Warm growing day. Clouded up about 5 PM Cold heavy rain at night, thunder and lightning
Tues 7 Clear, cool and pleasant, Boys went to claims to break. Perk baby buried 
Wed 8 Clear bright and quite warm
Thurs 9 Misty until about 10 AM cleared off warm
Fri 10 Variable appearance of rain
Sat 11 Warm Bright stiff breeze
Sun 12 Clear cool good breeze
Mon 13 Clear very warm
Tues 14 Bright and warm. Hot winds began to blow about 10 AM
Wed 15 Clear and warm. Wind high but not as hot as yesterday
Corn on new ground and vegetables badly wilted.
Thurs 16 Cloudy and cool some appearance of rain. Our first mess of potatoes and peas.
Fri 17 Clear and cool. Light shower about sundown
June cont.
Sat 18 Clear cool and pleasant
Sun 19 Clear and warm. 3 PM began to rain, had a fine rain, much needed. 
Mon 20 Floating clouds but pleasant. Rain towards morning a good rain.
Tues 21 Cloudy and warm. Toward evening appearances of rain. Shower during the night
Wed 22 Clear, warm during PM. Rain during the night Heavy thunder.
Thurs 23 clear and warm
Fri 24 Clear pleasant quite warm. Cutting Wheat finish Saturday.
Sat 25 Clear and warm. Changed about sundown, Rain and heavy thunder and lightning.
Sun 26 Cloudy, warm, hazy. Quite cold during the night. Bright comet in North
Mon 27 Clear and bright. Warmest day of the season, not a cloud to be seen.
Tues 28 Clear and warm repetition of yesterday. Bell's baby born and died.
Wed 29 Clear and warm quite a breeze, no rain during the night. A heavy rain during the afternoon
Thurs 30 Clear and pleasant. 
This has been a very pleasant month. Corn crops are looking
 splendid. Corn in tassel sweet corn in silk. Spent
this day in Oberlin examining the Treasurers Book with Judge
Brown and Mr. Stilson 
July 1881
Fri 1 Clear cool and pleasant. Last day of Nellies school
Sat 2 Cloudy and cool stiff breeze. Pres. Garfield shot by Guiteau
Sun 3 Pleasant good breeze and haze as of smoke
Mon 4 Clear stiff breeze. Lucinda arrived. 
Tues 5 Clear cool breeze appearance of rain high winds
Wed 6 Clear and very warm
Thurs 7 Floating clouds stiff breeze SW appearance of a storm 
 Fri 8 Clear with High wind
Sat 9 Clear in the morning. Cleared about 9 o'clock clear and still. 
Sun 10 Warm and sunny. PM thunder a nice shower toward sundown 
Mon 11 Variable warm and cloudy rained in PM and evening
Tues 12 Raining all morning Boys started to Logan 
Wed 13 Cloudy cleared about 10 PM very warm
Thurs 14 Clear and very warm hot winds
Fri 15 Clear and hot winds
Sat 16 Clear and very warm hot winds. Corn are showing affects. 
Sun 17 Clear and very warm of the Hot winds
Mon 18 Cloudy and cool cleared about 9 o'clock and was very warm came home.
Tues 19 clear still and hot
July cont
Wed 20 Clear and hot wind. Clouded up and give us a fine rain at dark.
Thurs 21 Clear, cool and pleasant. boys refreshed had corn for dinner
Fri 22 Clear and pleasant. Sam, Worth and Jas head for Sheridan
Sat 23 clear cool and pleasant
Sun 24 Clear and cool
Mon 25 Clear cool and pleasant a heavy rain in the night
Tues 26 Raining beautiful rain all day moderately
Wed 27 Misting a fine rain all AM cloudy all PM and night  
Thurs 28 Still cloudy and misting a heavy rain during the night.
Fri 29 Cloudy with a cool breezed cloud up at night no rain
Sat 30 Floating clouds and sunshine cool breeze
Sun 31 Clear with a stiff breeze
This has been a varied month the first 9 days pleasant. On the N and W of us
have had a heavy fall of hail doing much damage. 10, 11, and 12 fine showers. 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 (until dark when we had a fine rain.) It was very hot, the wind that it
would almost blister a person just to be in the wind. Corn badly hurt, the shower
of 20 refreshed vegetation. 21, 22, 23 & 24 clear, cool and pleasant. 25, 26, 27 rain and mist. 28
still misting had a heavy rain at night. 29, 30 & 31 variable clouds and sunshine a nice cool
breeze. Corn much improved by the rains.
August 1881 
Mon 1 Quite cool, clear and a good breeze
Tues 2 Stiff breeze dark floating clouds, every appearance of a storm
Wed 3 Clear with high SW winds 
Thurs 4 Clear and very warm
Fri 5 Clear PM excessively warm clouded at night, looked like a storm
Sat 6 cool cloudy and threatening
Sun 7 Clear with Quite a breeze, warm
Mon 8 Clear and warm, hot winds
Tues 9 Clear with stiff hot wind
Wed 10 Clear strong wind 
Thurs 11 Clear cool and pleasant 
Fri 12 Cloudy high wind cold Rained in the afternoon, a good shower
Sat 13 Cloudy appearance of rain
Sun 14 Clouds and sunshine, hot wind
Mon 15 Clear and warm, high wind
Tues 16 Clear and hot, high wind
Wed 17 Clear and very hot, clouded up in PM rained in evening
Thurs 18 Cloudy and rained all day, SS convention - rained all night
Fri 19 Cloudy and misting, clear W 
August continued
Sat 20 Clear cool and pleasant, went to Obilan 
Sun 21 Clear beautiful morning
Mon 22 Clear with a SW breeze
Tues 23 Clear and very pleasant
Wed 24 Clear and pleasant in the evening dark clouds with lightening
Thurs 25 Clear with high winds SW
Fri 26 Clear cool morning, Went to Graham, high winds
Sat 27  Clear and warm
Sun 28 Clear and warm
Mon 29 Cloudy and hazy, rained at night and during the evening
Tues 30 Clear and pleasant went to Oberlin 
Wed 31 Clear and Warm       This month has been one of the warmest
in my experiences in Kansas - with a severe lop of crops by Ckintz bugs
and today the ground is alive with them.
September 1881 
Thurs 1 Fog and Cloudy, cleared off about 10 o'clock
Fri 2 Cool in AM in PM extremely hot
Sat 3 Cloudy and threatening with rain, killed pig
Sun 4 Clear with the hottest winds I have experienced in Kansas
Mon 5 Cloudy showers and blustering, cold N wind a windy day, rain
Tues 6 Clouds rain cold windy day, fire necessary. Heavy rain, Great change
Wed 7 Clear and Pleasant
Thurs 8 Clear rather warm, putting in Wheat
Fri 9 Clear and Pleasant
Sat 10 Clear stiff cool breeze, Judicial Con at Oberlin
Sun 11 Clear and cool
Mon 12 Clear cool morning, cool gust
Tues 13 Clear and Pleasant, Tommy started for B & M, R.R. (Railroad)
Wed 14 Clear windy and threatening, light showers
Thurs 15 Clear and quite cold, stiff breeze cold enough for winter Frost
Fri 16 Clear high winds, very cold, Sam started to Graham
Sat 17 Clear and Calm
Sun 18 A beautiful morning, still and calm
Mon 19 Cloudy with appearance of rain. Cleared off about 10 o'clock - warm
at 10:35 pm aged 49 years 10 months, President Garfield died this morning.
September continued - C.A. Arthur annagurated in NY 3.15 sworn in by J.R. Brady
Tues 20 Clear with good breeze, Mothers birthday, 63 yrs. strong and healthy
Wed 21 Misting cloudy with light shower, Worth and Bell went to mill at Lenora
Thurs 22 Heavy mist, cleared off about 10 o'clock. Warm in pm heavy wind at night
Fri 23 clear with a cool NW breeze
Sat 24 Clear very pleasant, calm
Sun 25 Clear with cold NW wind, clouded up at night
Mon 26 Cloudy cold and blustering The days crossed was mistake leaving
Tues 27 Raw cold, cloudy morning, out Tues 20 calling Wednesday.
Wed 28 Cloudy a shower between 8 & 9 AM
Thurs 29 Cloudy a high shower, Cleared off PM high winds
Fri 30 clear and quite cold, calm
This has been a cold raw, blustering month with
very little rain the wind has blowed so much that
stacking is late.
October 1881
Sat 1 Clear calm and beautiful Went up to our claims and planted
Sun 2 Clear and warm  Tru seeds staid all night
Mon 3 Clear and pleasant clouded up in PM
Tues 4 Cloudy and misting continued to mist all day & night.
Wed 5 Cloudy and misting like yesterday continued to mist all day & night.
Thurs 6 Cleared off stiff breeze
Fri 7 Clear and pleasant 
Sat 8 Floating clouds heave gust N and NW
Sun 9 Cloudy raw wind
Mon 10 Rain and thunder cool Congress meets in extra session.
Tues 11 Cloudy with stiff breeze
Wed 12 Cold misting blustering winter day. Worth started for B&M R.R. (Railroad)
Thurs 13 Cloudy cool windy day. Every appearance of a storm.
Fri 14 Misting cold and disagreeable. Fine rain at night
Sat 15 Clear cool and high winds from E Co Con
Sun 16 rain rain rain all night
Mon 17 Clear and pleasant 
Tues 18 Clear and quite pleasant came home from Graham 
Wed 19 Clear and beautiful let A. Bell have a bushel of Wheat
Oct cont
Thurs 20 Foggy raw and cold heavy frost last night
Fri 21 Clear with pleasant haze very warm clouded up in the night
Sat 22 Cloudy misting and cold
Sun 23 Clear cold with a stiff W breeze 
Mon 24 Clear Beautiful morning
Tues 25 Clear beautiful day 
Wed 26 clear balmy sunshine day
Thurs 27 Cloudy and raining quite hard quite calm rained during the night
Fri 28 Cloudy windy and raw leaden day. Wintry and unnerving 
Sat 29 Clear and cool
Sun 30 Clear and pleasant
Mon 31 Clear and cool with SW wind
This month has been variable with some very cool days some very rainy days and some really hot days.
November 1881 
Tues 1 Cloudy indications of falling weather. A very light rain early AM
Wed 2 Clear and cool
Thurs 3 clear and pleasant
Fri 4 Clear with perfect gale from NW
Sat 5 Clear calm summer day
Sun 6 a Beautiful calm day
Mon 7 rain turned into snow. 1st snow of the season 
Tues 8 clear heavy frost. a gust. Election L Den? elected 
Wed 9 Clear heavy frost clouded up in PM
Thurs 10 Snowing. 2(nd) snow storm. snowed all night
Fri 11 Snowing cleared off about 10 o'clock about 6 inches snow. Milled some
Sat 12 Clear snow - milling fast.
Sun 13 clear warm thawing
Mon 14 clear and cool frozen hard
Tues 15 clear cool stiff breeze  butchered hogs.
Wed 16 Bright and warm
Thurs 17 Clear and cool
Fri 18 clear and quite cool 
Sat 19 clear and pleasant
Nov cont
Sun 20 Clear and pleasant
Mon 21 Bright warm and summer like
Tues 22 Clear cool and pleasant
Wed 23 snowed in the morning ?
Thurs 24 Clear and beautiful. Thanksgiving.
Fri 25 Clear warm and beautiful
Sat 26 Calm fine day
Sun 27 warm and bright
Mon 28 pleasant turned cool PM
Tues 29 Cold and windy
Wed 30 Cold raw and slight snow
December 1881
Thurs 1 Cool 
Fri 2 cool and clear
Sat 3 Cloudy cool appearance of a storm 
Sun 4 Clear and pleasant
Mon 5 Clear and comfortable 
Tues 6 Clear and warm stiff NW breeze
Wed 7 Clear and pleasant with stiff
Thurs 8 clear and warm with stiff breeze

This is the end of Journal 1 - let me know if you see any errors in the transcription!

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