Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Daniel Allen Jr. by Ila Lone Bauer, Hattie Esplin and Eileen C. Smith

Daniel Allen, Jr. 9 Dec 1804 - 15 Jan 1892

Daniel Allen Jr. was honest, pure in heart and dedicated to his beliefs. He was a man who loved both God and man and was much loved in return. It is most important that we learn all we can of our heritage and our ancestors. We are not whole without them, nor they without us. They link us to the creator of us all. It behooves each and every one of us to live lives worthy to receive the blessings bestowed on us at our birth through an honorable ancestor, for life is a total waste without our ancestry.

We are told that a "birth certificate proves we were born, but a history proves that we lived." Daniel wrote much of his own life in his journals, but this history will attempt to tell some of the things he did not write.

Yes, we Allen descendants do have a noble birthright because of the noble lives of our pioneers. Daniel was hard working, honorable, admired and deeply revered through all his life by those who knew him well. He did not put on a big front to impress people, but was loved for what he did and who he was.

It matters not what kind of a home Daniel had in the many places he lived, what he made a living at, or whether he made a lot of money. It matters not that he rode only on a horse drawn conveyance, for cars were not of his day. Had not God admonished his people "Seek not for the riches of the earth, but seek ye first the riches of Heaven?" Probably no man, no woman in all our ancestry tried living nearer to God and his teachings which had been restored to earth than our beloved Daniel Jr. He honestly did seek the "riches of heaven" first and made no brags about his accomplishments. Through his own writings in his journal he told of his three missions, his many callings to help build up industry in 9 different places and his true value as a man of God.

Schooling was learned at his own mother’s knee and at the schools of Ohio and Penn., then later at the side of the Prophet, Joseph Smith at the "School of The Prophets." There he sat among the learned and the unlearned. He listened well and was taught. He also taught in the Schools of the Prophets in various places later on, especially at Parowan, Utah. There the records of early days record many things he taught which he had heard the Prophet and other learned men tell. He prayed with them and for them and blessed many with his love and tenderness. His faith and gentle touch healed many as God's words fell from his lips when he laid his hands upon their heads and blessed them. He blessed and healed many throughout his long life. Daniel was born just one year to the month before the Prophet Joseph Smith and became associated with him at an early age. He loved the Gospel and knowing the Prophet personally, he knew the words he taught were true. Daniel was as a young and tender branch and really got to know the gospel of Jesus Christ and knew it to be true.

Parents: Daniel Allen Sr. MD and Nancy Agnus Stewart.

Daniel Allen Jr. was born 9 Dec. 1804 to Daniel Allen Sr. M.D. and his wife Nancy Agnus Stewart. Dr. Daniel was born in Colrain Mass. in 1770. He and Nancy were married 12 Sept. 1793. Nancy Agnus Stewart was the daughter of Lt. John Stewart who was a son of John Stewart Sr. and Rebecca Costa.

Daniel Jr. was the 6th of 10 children born to his parents. Names of the children are. Linda, John, Rachel, Rebecca, Ruth, Daniel Jr., Joseph Stewart, Albert Loomis, Caroline Dianthia, and Diodema Amanda. The last child was born after they moved to Erie, Penn.

Dr. Daniel became one of the first medical doctors in the state of New York. He began practicing in Hamburg, New York in 1807. Although he was a learned and highly educated doctor in his chosen field, there was most likely never much money. People in that period of time expected a doctor to come care for them as a DUTY, rather than as a service to be paid for. It was also a period of much "witchery" and "quackery" so some people were hesitant about whom to pay. Also, many had very little money to give, so much was bartered. Dr. Allen moved to Fredonia, Chatauqua County, New York in 1807 and lived there during the war with England in 1812. In that war he served his country as a soldier. His father also went with the army to Buffalo at the time of its fire in December 1813. The family then moved over the line into Erie County, Pennsylvania residing in the town of Fairview on the shores of Lake Erie. Here they lived for ten years. In 1823 the family decided to make another move westward into the state of Ohio, first going to the village of Thompson and finally settling in the township Montville in Geauga County. John Carman who had married Rebecca Allen came with the family to Ohio, he and Rebecca later moving to Cleveland. Doctor Allen and his wife lived the rest of their lives in Montville. Both passed away in 1856.

There was a long period following the war of 1812 when most of the people had very little money. In fact many were so poor they were embarrassed during that period of distress and privation, for indeed it was such a very poor period for most of the country. The effect of that war was felt for a very long time. The services of the physician were way under-valued by the general public. Many of the doctors in the area who belonged to the Medical Society took up other, more lucrative professions. Apparently Dr. Daniel Allen loved it too much and was so dedicated to the healing and care of people that he would not give it up, so he put up with the inconveniences for quite some time. When the fires broke out in Boston he went there to assist in any way he could. As the country and the people became more prosperous, so did the Allens. He was at last able to see that his children received good educations for that period of time and each were held in high esteem in the cities and villages where they resided.

Daniel Allen Jr. goes into business for himself

Being a very industrious young man, Daniel Jr. worked hard at anything he attempted to do. He settled on the industry of leather tanning and making all articles which leather was used for such as shoes, boots, harnesses, saddles and bridles. Those things were always very much in demand no matter where he might go. He was always able to make a good and respectable living for his families as they came along. In 1831 Daniel and his sweetheart, Mary Ann Morris, were married in Geauga Co., Ohio as shown by the following document:

Stephen Kelsey personally appeared and made application for Daniel Allen and Mary Ann Morris of the township of Montville in the said county and made solemn oath that the said Daniel Allen is of the age of 21 years and the said Mary Ann Morris is of the age of 18 years and that they are both single and not nearer of kin than first cousins, that he knows of no legal impediment against their being joined in marriage.

Signed, Stephen Kelsey

Sworn and subscribed this 5th day of Oct. 1831

Before me: D.D. Aikin Clerk

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints had been organized by Joseph Smith in April 1830. Both Daniel and his wife became very early converts; both were baptized by Joel Hills Johnson in Ohio in Feb 1831. Daniel's brother, Joseph Stewart Allen, had joined while their family lived at Thompson, Geauga, Ohio in Feb 1831. He then joined Zions Camp when it was led by the Prophet. During the years the Allens lived in Ohio many things happened which helped to shape their lives. The Latter Day Saint Church was organized and developed. Several doctrines and scriptures were revealed and the Word of Wisdom given to Joseph Smith. It was also revealed to the Prophet that a temple was to be built in Kirtland Ohio. Daniel became aware of this revelation. He sold his 40 acre farm in Huntsburg and turned over every dime to Joseph Smith for the building up of Zion and building the temple according to revelation (note: for the 40 acres of land Daniel Allen Jr. received $600.00 which he gave the Prophet. At today’s (1986) prices that would be equivalent to between $200,000.00 and $240,000.00 as land in good farming areas with good water rights now sells for 5 to 6 thousand dollars per acre.

Through the years Daniel and Mary Ann had 6 children. The two oldest were born at Montville, Geauga, Ohio: LeRoy born 28 March 18, Alma 12 Dec. l835. LeRoy died young (date not found). Alma lived to be l4 ½ and died after reaching Salt Lake City, Utah. The family moved to Kirtland to be near the temple as it was being built. There Daniel worked on it as much as he could along with his other job of leather craftsman. Mary Ann Ellen was born in Kirtland 10 March 1837. That year panic struck the nation which greatly affected the Mormons. The economic structure of the Church collapsed causing many to apostatize. They rushed to complete the temple so that the keys that were to be revealed in it could be received. Baptism for the dead was revealed. Daniel was among many Saints who were able to do that work for loved ones who had passed on. However, it had not been designated that they were to do baptism for those of their own sex only. Daniel did work for several of his and his wife’s people. He had been baptized in the Mississippi River. He did baptism work for his grandparents Joseph and Rachel Allen, for his grandparents David and Martha Bennett, for his sister Ruth and relatives, Martha, Mary, Polly, Rebecca, Ruth, Stephen, Timothy, David and Isaac. It may have had to be done over again for the females for as has been written, it wasn't known at that time that work for males was to be done by males and females work by females.

Even though many new doctrines had been given and some keys restored, it remained a time of trial and difficulty. Opposition grew fast around the Saints. There were many foes around Kirtland. The Ohio period became the darkest period in Church history. The tempest of persecution, though briefly lulled at times, burst forth like a roaring tornado and each angry man was like a fire ablaze. Each ignited the ire of another so that they swept across the land screaming, seizing, and crushing each person who dared uphold the word of God. The "School of the Prophets" was organized and did convene and teach for some time in the upper rooms of the Kirtland Temple. Much was taught and learned, even though there were many tense moments.

There came a great apostasy. Many fell from the faith but Daniel and his wife became stauncher. Daniel knew that God gave him all the power he had, all he needed to bless and heal the righteous. As the devastation and wickedness increased, the people were driven from their homes; their fields laid waste, homes and belongings burned. Only the good Lord knew how the Saints survived that winter. The whole economic structure collapsed so that Joseph Smith and his followers, including Daniel and his family, had to move out. They were driven away without any subsistence for their families. The mobs burned all their belongings and killed their animals. Daniel lost more than $2,000.00 for he had purchased two city lots, built a tannery and shoe shop, and was a share holder in the Kirtland Bank. He lost it all. Finally he hired a man to take him and family 50 miles south to Savannah, Ashland, Ohio, where he secured work on a canal. He received 50 cents a day for his pay. Out of that he was able to feed his family and finally able to purchase a pair of old mares and an old wagon. In this way he was able to move his family to Far West, Missouri, for he was determined to join again with the saints.

Everyone said he would not be able to make it to Far West in that old wagon, for surely they said, it would fall apart before he reached there. He was able to get there better than some others. He wrote that he traveled with Dr. Mitchell and S.B. Stoddard. Their wagons broke down two or three times, but Daniel said, “I got to my brother Joseph’s with no trouble. I loaned my wagon to him to go the three miles to Far West empty, but he lost a wheel and broke a tire. I know I held that wagon together with only my faith and prayers. From Far West I went with my brother Joseph and Brother Morley to Adam-Ondi-Ahmen where we all took up land about three miles north of the town. I built a house there, but the day they were putting the roof on was Election Day in Galiton, 8 Aug 1838. The mobs had sworn to kill any Mormon who dared to vote, so I was under arms from then on until I and the company I was with trying to defend our people, gave up their arms in Far West.”

Daniel said, “I was with David W. Patton when they took the cannon from the mob, the mob claimed to be 400 strong, the Mormons only 100 strong, but the Lord was with us, for we took the cannon and scattered the mob. Later on I was with Semore Brunson when they were surrounded by Bogart’s army 5 miles South of Log Creek. The mobs said they were as sure of overcoming the Mormons as if they had us, but Brother Brunson was a good officer and he gave the mob the slip. Brunson took his men through the timber, while Bogart’s bunch went through the prairie, but we beat Bogart and his men to Far West by 5 miles. I was betrayed by Colonel Hinkle and forced to give up my arms when the rest of the brethren gave up theirs at Far West.” This happened at the battle of Crooked River in Oct 1838.

Several people were imprisoned. Daniel, his wife and three children left on 6 Feb. 1839 along with his brother Joseph, a Brother Rossen and Father Isaac Morley. They camped out 21 nights before reaching Quincy, Illinois. From there they went to Lima, Ill. where they stayed for one year. Baby Dianthia was born there 19 Dec. 1839. They all moved on to Nauvoo on 1 Apr 1840.

You will remember that Adam-Ondi-Ahmen was the place where Adam gathered his posterity just three years before he died. Some of Adam’s posterity did not gather, but they were the unrighteous ones. All the righteous ones gathered there in the valley of Adam-Ondi-Ahman and there father Adam bestowed his last blessing upon them. Even though he was bowed down with age, he was full of the Holy Ghost and he predicted the things which would befall his posterity even unto the last generation.


Nauvoo was a new city just being established by the Saints during 1839. By 1841 they were able to begin work on the Nauvoo Temple. The Church leaders who had been imprisoned at the time of the extermination order when they were driven from Kirtland and from Far West were now back in their midst and able to carry on their duties. There were about 20,000 saints living in the Nauvoo area by then. Nearly every member of the church became involved in the building of the Temple. Everyone who could worked in a united effort to complete it. Those who had no teams went to work in the stone quarry and prepared the stones which were later horse-drawn to the temple site. Even the Prophet himself put on his tow frock and tow pantaloons and went into the quarry. He was the foreman. The presidency, high priests, elders, and all worked side by side to rush the work along.

The women worked in the homes knitting, spinning, and working hard and fast to make hundreds of pounds of wool into thread and yarn. These were later made into cloth and sewn into clothing for the men. It was said that the women also brought their jewelry and gave it to be sold for the building of the temple. Their best china and glass were crushed and added to the mortar used for plastering the beautiful exterior walls.

The saints worked through the bitter cold winter, through mud and minor persecutions from rabble rousers. Daniel was called on different missions so that he was not there to work on it from start to finish. He did spend much time on the temple and also helped with his money. One wonders if perhaps part of Daniel’s love and dedication to the church was because of his closeness to the Prophet, his first hand knowledge and personal friendship with him. Often he worked with and for the Prophet in whatever way things needed to be done and he had no greater love for anyone than he did for his beloved friend. Even to his dying day, at age 88, when people spoke of the Prophet and of the trials he had endured for the sake of the Gospel, which the Lord had entrusted him to restore, Daniel wept in memory of him. He felt as near to Joseph Smith as he did to his own brother.

Joseph Smith and other leaders were thrust in the Carthage jail on trumped-up charges, the same as he had been thrust in jail several times previous. Mary Ann and Daniel were caught up in the midst of all the persecutions and though they were helpless to assist him, Daniel did act as a guard to protect him along with several others.

On 5 July 1842 Eliza Ann was born. While the baby was still very young, Daniel was called to go on a mission. The Elders were not given assignments to go to a certain area to preach, but told to "Seek out the honest in heart." They would know them only through the spirit of the Lord and the Holy Ghost. The mission was only for a few months. Most of the missionaries were family men who had wives and children whom they would have to leave to care for themselves while husbands were away.

Nauvoo had been nothing but a swampland when Joseph Smith purchased it in 1839. The Mormons drained it, built shops, homes, schools, a newspaper printing shop and all the necessary things it took to make it grow. Grow it did, for it became the largest city in Illinois at the time. As farms and orchards sprang up around it, it truly lived up to its name: "Nauvoo The Beautiful." It became a community of 20,000 industrious people intent on building a beautiful magnificent temple, a marble edifice on its dome shaped hill which overlooked the valley and the Mississippi river.

Nauvoo clings to a bend in the east bank of the river. Its color, its mood and the romance of that area was beautiful and appealing to the saints. It lent itself to the needs of a vast population who had begun streaming to its shores in search of a haven of peace and security. The temple was begun on one of the grandest landscapes ever spread before human vision. Fall foliage was just something to behold. In winters dress, it was a photographers dream. Every spring there was the lovely scent of lilac in bloom and budding trees everywhere. The benchland and low hills rose like a terrace behind, while the river flowed past the city in a crescent shape. The scene for miles was one of beauty and grandeur---no wonder they called it "Nauvoo the Beautiful" for it truly was beautiful in every season. No wonder the enemy desired it and caused so much havoc in trying to drive the Mormons out, a feat they finally accomplished.

The Temple was begun in 1839 and was built from the stone quarries in the vicinity of the river. The Saints tried to rush to get it completed to receive the promises God had told them would be revealed in that temple. They were under very terrible stress and strain until it was completed enough for dedication, which was accomplished 7 March 1846.

On 3 July 1843 the prophet Joseph had called a special conference to choose thirty six elders to go on missions to various counties of Illinois. Daniel was assigned to go to Rock Island. They were to go about the country to teach the gospel and to heal the sick. They were told to "warn the people" but their main message was to the "honest in heart". President Smith told them they would be able to do many wonderful works. They would be able to "cast out the devil to heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind, unstop the ears of the deaf, that the tongue of the dumb might speak and many other great and wonderful things." They were to go with out purse or script and promised that they would not go hungry or thirsty. They were not to tell these things to all the world or brag about them, but to do these things (and others they were taught) to seek out the honest in heart and bring those who believed their words to be the words of the Lord Jesus Christ into the Church through baptism.

Somewhere around this time the Prophet and others were wrongly accused of several trumped up charges again, even more serious ones than they had accused them of on several previous occasions. When they came to take Joseph to jail this time, he said to his dedicated followers "I go like a lamb to the slaughter. If I don't come back, boys, take good care of yourselves." Daniel never forgot those words and he always tried to take good care of himself as well as those about him. He also tried to take especially good care of any church calling he received, just as he thought his beloved prophet would want him to do.

During the period the Prophet and others were held so ruthlessly in the Carthage Jail they were guarded by a group called "the Carthage Greys.” 90 men were called as guards. 30 men went on at a time and were on for 2 hours then off 4 hours. One evening after Daniel had stood guard he went out to care for his livestock. As he finished his chores he had a strange premonition. Upon returning to his house he said to his wife, Mary Ann, "I have a premonition that the mobs will be after me to night. You know they are constantly heckling and abusing the guards and we all have to fear for our lives.”

The evening prayer was perhaps more forceful that evening as Daniel called upon the Lord to show him a way to protect his life, for the sake of his family as well as for the Prophet. As he finished the prayer his eyes fell upon his wife's night- cap there upon the dresser. Instantly Daniel knew that night cap meant life to him. When he retired for the night, he placed the frilly nightcap upon his head and took the baby Eliza Ann to bed with him.

Soon his premonition proved true. There came a loud pounding upon the door, as Mary Ann opened it to several men, they demanded to see Dan Allen. With a prayer on her lips and a voice as steady as she could manage, she stepped aside and said, "You may look for yourself". After looking through the house, they stormed out saying, "There's no one in there but an old woman in bed with her baby."

Later Mary Ann thanked God for her husband’s deliverance, and then told him, "Wear it always Daniel, for it shall be your shield." So Daniel did wear it nightly during the Nauvoo period while mob threats were so violent. (told to Ila L. Bauer by grandma Harriet Allen Lowe).

Prophet Joseph Smith Martyred

In June of 1844 the Prophet was martyred in the Carthage Jail. It was a bitter blow for all who knew and loved him. All his dedicated followers were horrified and every saint mourned his untimely death. Even the children were horrified and never lived long enough to forget that terrible moment in their lives. Daniel's 7 year old daughter, Mary Ann Ellen, told her children and grandchildren of going with her parents to view the martyr’s last remains. She told and also wrote of the many thousands that filed past the coffin for a last glimpse of their beloved leader. Although she was young, she never forgot that day for even the children were forever impressed with the strength of his great personality.

It was said that shortly before he was taken to jail that last time he had gone into the stone shop where the men were working on stones for the temple and he had blessed each and every one of them by the power of his priesthood. Daniel felt fortunate to have been there at that time and he forever treasured that blessing.

The Sprit of Elijah

Many said that building the Nauvoo Temple was about like working with a shovel in one hand and a gun in the other, for the mobsters were so intent on doing harm and preventing the temple from reaching its completion. It was finally finished and dedicated 27 March 1846.

It was at Nauvoo that the spirit of Elijah was felt first, for he touched the hearts of those who were ready to do genealogy work. Elijah's mission was to the living rather than to the dead. It was at Semore Brunson's funeral that it was first told that the saints would be allowed to do work for their dead loved ones, but the Spirit of Elijah had to work on them first to give them the desire and the know-how to do it. It was in a corn field just outside Nauvoo that the first sealing of wife to husband took place, but that was in 1841, before the temple was completed.

During the period Daniel and family lived in Nauvoo, (1 April 1840 to 1 April 1846) he not only helped build the temple but paid for a share in the Nauvoo House, built a home and ran his tanning and shoe shop. Mary Ann's 6th and last child, Daniel Allen the 3rd was born 20 Feb. 1846. At the time of this last babies birth Daniel Jr. had to leave his wife and family in care of friends. The last conference in Nauvoo was called by the new President Brigham Young on Oct. 8, 1845. Daniel was called as head of a committee of three to try to sell all properties belonging to the saints in Bear Creek area in preparation of leaving the area. The committee consisted of Dan, Nelson Higgins and Samuel Shepherd. They wondered if they might have problems selling the property because those trying to push them out wanted to get everything for nothing. However they did have fair success. They were able to help all the saints purchase the necessities of life for their travels to new areas. The Lord was with them even though there was a great apostasy going on, for many of a lesser faith left the church. Daniel's faith grew and he became more committed. He and the committee worked very hard to fulfill their assignment.

A Busy Winter

During the winter of 1845-46 the saints were very busy making thousands of wagons in preparation for leaving for the West. In the hardest freeze of any ones memory the mighty Mississippi River froze over hard enough that teams and wagons were able to cross it. On 27 Feb. 1846 1,000 families began to cross that frozen river in covered wagons, some drawn by horses others drawn by oxen. By the 10th of March they had found that the horses were not as good as the oxen. Oxen could stand the ice, snow and mud much better than horses, so oxen replaced the horses as fast as they could be gathered and put into harness. After a few days the mighty Mississippi was no longer frozen but began to slush in the middle. The wagons were ferried across as quickly as people could prepare and get on their way to Winter Quarters, Nebraska.

When Dan and his committee completed their assignment and returned to Nauvoo it was a great shock to see what their eyes beheld. Their eyes swept the cluttered streets while every fiber ached at sight of friend turned foe. There was much confusion going on all about them. Frustration swept over them as each went their separate direction to their homes, threading their way through the cluttered streets, half fearing what they might find at home. They wished the assignment had not taken so long, for so much had happened to the beautiful city on the banks of the Mississippi River.

In the gathering dusk darkened windows gaped at them. Yawning doors revealed dying fires deep in ash, half eaten suppers still on many tables. Torture and wickedness swelled up about Daniel as angry mobs herded men, women and children out into the cold weather. Tell-tale splotches of blood left their crimson mark on the streets. The whole town of Nauvoo seemed to be moving toward the ponderous river.

Daniel hadn't realized how the tension had mounted while he was away. How he wished his mission hadn't kept him at the Bear Creek area so long. The weeping and shouting mingled with the rumbling of iron tires and tramping steed over hard frozen earth scrunched in his ears. The sounds carried so loudly through the crisp cold air. A shudder twisted his body as Daniel thought of his family, especially of his beloved wife, Mary Ann, who may have been driven out into this horrible weather. It wouldn't be as hard perhaps for the children as for Mary Ann. Possibly their new baby had arrived. Oh the air smelled pungent with the burning straw of the torches. Dan didn’t stop to unsaddle his horse but secured the reigns and dashed to the cottage. Droplets of icy breath melted and puddled on the floor where he had dropped his coat over a chair in his haste to check the welfare of his family.

Yes, the baby was born. Anxiously he listened while his wife related the mobs threats of vengeance upon them and that they might return at any time. Dan breathed a sigh of relief to learn that they all were at home and uninjured. He hoped against hope that the mobs would relent until Mary Ann was well enough to travel. But the mobs did not relent. Daily they were in his yard killing animals, burning sheds and threatening the same would happen to them if they did not put haste to their heels. Their meager supplies were packed. The scant provisions Mary Ann had been able to gather were packed and bedding, clothing and food stuffs tucked in all available space. The trip to the West would be a long one.

The Allen’s wagon was one of the last three to leave Nauvoo and those three traveled together for a time, but with poor Mary Ann so ill, their going was slow and rough. The horses clomped through the muddy streets spraying steam from their nostrils, their ears erect, low whinny’s of fright escaped their throats. They sniffed the smoke-laden air, pungent with smell of musty straw burning as the torches waved menacingly. Weaving their way through the sea of torches, the eerie lights showed the faces of friends and neighbors they had trusted, shared food and lodging with-loved as brothers. He wondered if ever again they would find peace of mind.

Dan very much disliked taking his ailing wife out in the cold. It was now the 1st day of April 1846. Their new baby boy was not quite 6 weeks old and Mary Ann not at all well. Being subjected to the cold and damp air was difficult for her and her sickness worsened with each weary day. The cold and exposure she was subjected to caused her health to continue to fail rapidly, so much so that they could not catch up with the company, nor even keep up with the other two wagons they had started with. When they reached the head of Soap Creek, the little mother passed away. There was now but one wagon traveling with them. Daniel tried to get the man to wait while he went back to a town to get boards to make a coffin. The man refused to wait, so poor Daniel had no choice but to dig a grave by the roadside. While he was digging it the children gathered leaves to line it with. Imagine such a heart rendering situation if you can. Daniel then wrapped his beloved Mary Ann in a sheet and consigned her to her last resting place with the sobs of the broken-hearted family and the howl of the lonely coyote as the only choir. This was told by Clara Bell Lowery Singleton of her grandmother’s death, daughter of Mary Ann Ellen Allen.

So--no coffin was dear Mary Ann's, but a white sheet had been tenderly wrapped, enfolding her as lovingly as though it was his arms enfolding her for ever. Her last words were haltingly whispered in his ear and burned deeply in his heart. She too, had a deep testimony of the Gospel and she died as she had lived full of faith in the truths she had learned. She said "We'll meet again dear love in a better world and I shall await your coming.”

The leaves and grass the children had gathered to line the burial plot and make a pillow for her head were carefully spread, dampened by their tears--and the coyotes howled and mingled their chorus with the sobs of her loved ones. Daniel dedicated that narrow slit of earth and covered her with the golden treasure of the land, and through his voice the Lord spoke reassuring his little ones of a beautiful life beyond this sad and lonely spot. The burdens of that day were almost more than stout hearted Daniel could bear, but finally that little family turned their tear streaked faces from that sorrowful scene and headed once more for Winter Quarters.

The days were long and hard and the miles seemed to grow longer without a mother to care for the infant. Each time the baby became hungry they had to stop, milk the cow behind the wagon and spoon feed it to the infant while it was warm. Nine year old Mary Ellen probably grew up very fast on that journey, for she had the care of not only the infant but helping to care for the others as the girls were only 4 and 6 years old and Alma 11 years old. Alma’s chore was to help care for the loose stock, horses, oxen or whatever. LeRoy had died earlier, probably at Far West or Nauvoo. (I could find no record of his passing.)

Perhaps their hair grew more tousled daily even though they tried to keep up the cleaning habits taught by their parents, but there were only the cold streams to wash soiled clothing as well as themselves. Never was there hot water more than enough to prepare a meager meal, wash a few dishes or freshen up the baby. Camping out on a trail was never a lark, but a real task at that time, being so far from shelter and security. Each night a campfire pushed back the darkness and beds made as near the orange glow as dared, or perhaps in the wagon, but it was so crowded and oh, so cold. They knew they could not catch up with the company ahead, yet they didn't want to be too far behind.

Upon reaching Winter Quarters, a home had to be prepared. Some had small long homes, but many were living in dug-outs, just a hole in the ground with shelter built over to protect them from the elements. Daniel did the best he could and soon they were housed as comfortably as possible. Baby Daniel was not doing well even with the best care that could be given him.

Winter Quarters

Winter Quarters was made up not only of those who had escaped Nauvoo, but also converts were arriving daily from many states to the north, east, and south. A group had recently arrived from Tennessee. The group included a Berry family consisting of father, mother and several young adults.

Daniel had had a difficult time, for with all they had tried to do for the baby, he died in July 1846, only 5 months old. One day as Daniel was having a particularly difficult time of it, having lost his lovely wife and now his little son, the man from Tennessee, Jessie Woods Berry said to him, "Daniel, why don't you get married so to have a wife to help you care for your children?" "Married? Why, who would have me, a man my age with these 4 young children?" A voice behind him answered his query, “I’ll marry you Daniel. I'll marry you and help you raise your children." It was Louisa Jane Berry who made the offer. She had heard the conversation as she was standing near her father.

It was sometime later, but Louisa Jane did marry Daniel on 22 June 1847 at Kanesville, Summer Quarters. She was 24 years younger than he, being only 19, but she did help care for the three young girls and the son, Alma although he was now about 12 years old. It was now three years since the Prophet Joseph Smith had been martyred in the Carthage jail. President Brigham Young was in charge of the Saints and he was already on his way to Utah with the first group of followers. They arrived at the Salt Lake Valley 24 July 1847.The rest were to follow later. Daniel and Louisa remained in Kanesville for a time. It was there that their first two children were born, John Albert born 16 May 1848 and Cynthia Elizabeth. The first baby died young at Kanesville. Cynthia was born 22 Feb. 1849. On 15 May of that same year they joined the Orson Spencer Company with Samuel Gulley as their captain and headed for the Valley. The company consisted of about 100 wagons carrying supplies for Livingston and Kinkade besides about 100 wagons of pioneers.

They reached the Platte River on 5 July, but had to camp there for quite some time as so many were ill of Cholera. Captain Gulley and several others died there at the river from Cholera. The company traveled on and reached the Salt Lake Valley on 22 Sept. 1849.

Little is known of that trip except for the sickness and weariness of the saints as they traveled the deep ruts and dusty roads on that 1300 mile trek. There was an almost constant search for buffalo chips, which became known as the “wood of the plains" as that was the only thing available to make fires with. There was always plenty of water for livestock as they followed along the North side of the Platte as much as they could. Drinking water had to be hauled in barrels secured to the wagons. Fishing was good as long as they were near the river. They stayed on the north of the river so not to be with the gold seekers going to California and Oregon.

The women and children waded most of the rivers and streams they came to. They washed their clothes and themselves in the river water. At night there was always dancing and singing after the evening meal was over and prayers of thankfulness evenings and mornings. They were happy to at last reach the mountains for there they were able to gather fire wood. They were excited about the beauties of the mountains after having lived in prairie country most of their lives. It was a great thrill to reach what they thought was their final destination in the tops of the mountains after 121 days on the trail. They had planned on 111 days, but the sickness of so many had slowed them down. Many did stay in the Salt Lake area, but many others were encouraged to settle in various areas about there, which was known at that time as “Deseret.”

In The S.L. Valley

Daniel’s journal states that he "went first out to Big Cottonwood" where he remained for about 2 ½ years then moved to the 12th ward in Salt Lake where he was made one of the 7 presidents of the quorum of 70' s. Daniel had been kicked by a mule shortly after moving to the Cottonwood area and was laid up with a broken shoulder for over three months. While at Big Cottonwood, he built an adobe house 16 by 24 feet that they lived in.

According to "Pioneers and Prominent Men of Utah,” Daniel was the first person to tan leather in Utah. The tanning of leather was an important factor in caring for the needs of the pioneers. The long treks across the plains, the rough roads and streets called for good leather for shoes, harnesses, bridles, saddles etc. Daniel joined with Samuel Mulliner and they ran the Deseret Tannery. The material needed for their business was scarce at first as shown by the following advertisement in the first Deseret News:

DESERET TANNERY--WANTED Beef and horse hides, calf, sheep and dog skins. We will pay $1.00 for large calf skins free from cuts and damages; for small or damaged hides or skins according to the worth of them. We also want oil from bear, horse, wolf, dog, or from cattle feet. Pine or oak bark and sumac wanted immediately. Let us have calf skins soon and you can wear summer boots and shoes of home manufacture.

Samuel Mulliner & Daniel Allen Jr.

East, Temple Street op Reese's store

N.V. An apprentice wanted.

See Samuel Mulliner or Daniel Allen Jr.

It was while Daniel's family was still living at Big Cottonwood (now Murray) that Alma died, July 1850. They had been in the Valley only 10 months. Apparently it was while still living at Big Cottonwood that Daniel met Thomas Whiteley and his daughter Sarah. They had emigrated from England and lived in that area for the first while. Nothing is known of their romance, but they did marry in the Salt Lake Endowment House 2 July 1854. Sarah was a very petite young lady with an exceptionally beautiful singing voice. She sang much in the choir as well as solo and was much in demand for her lovely voice. She was 5 ½ years younger than Louisa Jane, but 30 years younger than Daniel when they married, she as his plural wife which was sanctioned at that time.

As Sarah was so petite, she appeared younger than her 20 years. When Dan sold out in Big Cottonwood and moved to the 12th ward in downtown Salt Lake, he got two homes-one for each wife.

After living in the 12th ward for a little over two years, Daniel was called to San Pete. They lived in Manti for sometime. There Sarah's first child, Isaac Thomas, was born 4 August 1855. (He was named for her only brother and her father. Her brother had joined the English army and gone to South Africa, there he became the governor General of all South Africa.) Also at Manti, Louisa Jane gave birth to Lydia Euphemia on 1 Dec. 1855. They all lived in the San Pete area for about two years, then once more Daniel received a call to move to Pleasant Grove. He sold out to Warren Snow, moved his families and built them each a home. He intended to go into business but decided to move to Provo where it appeared his business was needed more, at least church officials thought so. He built in Provo; his homes were about where the Provo Post Office now stands. (The reader must remember, that the reason for so many moves was that at that time there were few, if any who could do the tanning, making all the leather goods and set up a business as could Daniel. His talents were much in demand). He always taught one who was willing to apprentice under him so they could take over the business when he was called to move to another area. Daniel gave his whole life in service to the church and to the communities that he lived in. He made life easier for others. He helped to make life more worth while to hundreds and thousand of people whose lives he touched during his many years.

During their stay in Provo, Harriet Amelia was born to Sarah 21 Nov. 1857, and Thurza Armelia born to Louisa Jane on 5 Jan. 1858. These two girls were about 6 weeks apart and were just like twins most of their life. They were called Hattie and Millie. At Provo Dan donated several hundred dollars to the Provo meeting house and $50.00 on the school house. The church house still stands and has been remodeled and updated. The school house was torn down in 1983.

In the fall of 1862 Daniel received another call, this one to the Dixie Mission or really, the Cotton Mission. Louisa now had 7 children and Sarah had 3. Dan decided to take Sarah and her children to Dixie first, and then return for Louisa and her family later. Sarah was especially happy about this move. It was the first time in her married life she had been alone with just her children and husband for any length of time. They had a lovely trip to St. George. They did stop over at some places on the way. Daniel stopped in Parowan long enough to get samples of wood for use as a tanning agent. He did this every place he went to know the potentials of every area. The samples were sent to Salt Lake, so Church authorities would be aware of what to expect in various places.

They had a nice trip to St. George and found the weather still comfortably warm there. They planted a bit of garden, a few grape vines and fruit trees about the little one roomed cottage Daniel built. As soon as they were able they planted a small cotton patch. Seriously he searched for plants or trees with a good tanning agent in them, but was much disappointed for he found nothing really suitable. The oose, the canoga or anything else wasn't usable. He returned to Provo to get his family and on the return trip, stopped overnight to rest at Parowan. While there George A. Smith contacted him and told him he had received word from Church officials in Salt Lake to have Daniel stop at Parowan to build up a tanning business because samples sent to Salt Lake were far superior to any found any other place. The tanning agent determined the quality of the finished article and much of the leather goods, harnesses, saddles, reigns and lines, etc. used in those early days were made in the shops Daniel supervised or at least were repaired or replaced by ones he made.

Settled at Parowan

Daniel did stop at Parowan, bought two city lots and soon got Louisa Jane and her family settled and all running smoothly before he continued on to St. George to get Sarah and her family. Sarah loved St. George; her cotton was so white and beautiful. She had her children pick out all the seeds while she corded it and prepared it for spinning. One day as she sat singing, cording and enjoying the fruits of her labors, a gust of wind came up and blew all the beautiful white cotton out the open door. She laid down her cording equipment, stopped singing and just cried. Her children, Isaac and Harriet said they had never heard their mother cry before in their life.

Back To Parowan

It was rather a hard blow for Sarah to leave the warmth and security of her little cottage in Dixie, where the "summer sun spends the winter" for Parowan though only about 75 miles northeast, is many degrees colder, especially in winter. After getting both families settled, Daniel built a tannery over the creek and was soon in business. Soon he was put in as foreman of the tanning department of the Parowan United Manufacturing Institution (PUMI) which was a group of industries in one building. He still had his own tanning vats over the creek where he had men working for him for at Parowan. He had found the best tanning bark in the state so far. He developed a tanning process known as "The Allen Tan" which was used for as long as individual tanning was done. Eventually the manufacturing of goods became "big business" and was taken over by big manufacturing corporations, but that didn't happen during Daniel Allen’s lifetime. He finally sold his plant to Ebeneezer Hanks and Daniel Page for $600.00, but continued working as the supervisor of the tanning division of the PUMI. He had been in business for one year with William H. Dame before he decided to sell out to the above named men.

Panguitch 1864

During the period that Panguitch was first being settled, many were called from Parowan. Apparently Daniel didn't take either of his families but went with other men to check out the possibilities of the area. He went with William Williamson, Morgan Richards, William Wilcox, William Holyoak, Joseph K. Paramore and possibly others. These men all took up land along the Sevier River, but the Indians were so warlike in the area that all the white people returned to Parowan for their own safety. Later on, however, those who had taken up land and started to build homes with the intent to build up ranches along the River began returning as the Indians became friendlier. The area did remain quite hostile for quite some time and the Indians resented the white people intruding on what they considered their fishing and hunting grounds. The Panguitch Lake abounded in fish of several varieties and deer and other wild game were also in abundance in the surrounding mountains.

On 22 March 1866 G. G. Smith issued a notice to all the men who had not returned to the lands they had started laying claim to. The notice stated that the men owned land in the Panguitch area but were still absent, depending on the other settlers to defend their property during the Black Hawk Indian War. Mr. Smith asked that those men who owned property either return to the area to defend their premises or submit to such measures as may have to be taken because those who did return should not have to bear the expense incident to the Indian Campaign. Most of the above listed men had not returned including Daniel. He let the property go back to government; he was too busy to be everywhere.

At Parowan Louisa Janet’s last three children were born and Sarah’s last six. This made 11 children for Louisa Jane and 9 for Sarah. At this writing 1986, there are still five 1st generation grandchildren living. They are: Frederick has 1 living, Hyrum has 1 living and Annie still has 3 children living.

When the United Order was started in Parowan, Daniel put some of his property in it and joined. However, the Order didn’t work well in Parowan so it was soon abandoned.

Escalante, the Last Call

Daniel and his wives thought their moving days were over, for he had answered the call at least 9 times besides filling the three missions spoken of. His youngest and 26th child was just 5 years old. Several of the older ones were married, but in 1880 he received his last church calling to move to a new area to build up his leather tanning, boot and shoe shop. He was a pretty old man by then, 76, but the call came and he answered. He had done so very much moving and pioneering, starting over again and again, and had gone through so many persecutions and all. Daniel was and always had been a very meticulous person in his work, in his dealings, in every faucet of his beautiful life. He had always tried to teach his children to do likewise. (I know Harriet "Hattie" A. Lowe was a very meticulous person in her work and in all things. She quoted her father many times in his beliefs and in the ways he had tried to guide his children.)

Parents have the privilege of sprinkling stardust over the lives of their children. Daniel was one who tried to do just that by trying to elevate his children to greatness, by praising them, encouraging them and helping them in any way he could. They always felt his loving kindness and warmth in their lives. He wanted them to always do just the very best they could and not slow down their progress to earning life eternal by lowering their moral standards. Perhaps this was not so evident in the early years of hardship and privation, during the years they were being pushed around by the mobs in the pioneering days of the church, but it became more evident as the children grew older. Always, he remained a man of deep faith, having been a dear and close friend to the Prophet Joseph Smith. He desired and tried hard to instill his deep faith and strict morals in each one of his children.

The tannery Daniel built in Parowan in 1864 ran until 1927, when it was torn down and a home built on the property. Daniel had assisted much with the running of it until he received the call to go to Escalante, known at that time as "Potato Valley." He sold the property and all he owned in Parowan and moved both families, at least most of both families, the 180 long hard miles northeast of Parowan. They traveled over high mountains, through box canyons, and into the vast desert along the Escalante River. He again bought two homes as all of Sarah's family went except Hattie, who was married and had a son the age of her little sister Annie. Louisa Jane also went with her two married daughters and their husbands and all the boys not married. Those listed in "Parowan, Mother Town" were: Annie, Fred, David, Hyrum, James, Cynthia with husband Samuel Rogers, Lydia and husband Edward Wilcock, Robert and James.

Daniel built a tanning shop and space for making his leather goods near the river. The two homes were about two blocks apart. He spent time in each place. He especially loved to listen to Sarah read, for she was a good reader and had some of the best books available. Daniel was old and tired by now, but he found he could visit any country in the world, see all the foreign places through the eyes of the authors as Sarah read to him the books known as "Dime Novels", but which are really the classics of today and are now 20.00 to $35.00 each. They were really only one dime in those days. (Ben Hur, Scarlet Letter, etc) Daniel's family had now grown to 26 children, 17 were still alive so he enjoyed his many children and grandchildren as they came along. Cynthia never was able to have a family but Lydia and husband had a lovely family and I believe all others who lived did too except perhaps James.

The Pastimes

Perhaps in trying to be precise in proper dates, names etc. this writer has made this history sound like all work and no play. Pioneering days were not of course as much play and relaxation as today, but they did enjoy a lot of their life. There was square dancing in the evenings and even the children went to enjoy it with their parents. There were quilting bees, rag bees where they tore old clothes to rags to weave into rugs to cover the cold wooden floors. There was apple peeling and preparing all kinds of fruit after the trees and gardens produced. They dried their fruits and vegetables and all worked together: father, mothers and children and those were fun times. It worked out well as there were no bottles in those early days. They had popping corn and candy pulls and at these all joined in the fun and relaxation. It is told that even as an old man Daniel joined in all the family activities, helping to quilt, to tear rags, to pop corn and especially sew on his machine or by hand. He did so well that he could make flowers or whatever design women wanted on their shoes as well as he could on the quilts. He had a special way of doing his bridles so that they were smooth on inside, laced in designs on outside. If some one came along with an idea for an extra special kind of "thing" they were told, "You'll have to go to Dan Allen, as he is the only man we know of who can do that."

Apparently Dan and his two wives enjoyed fairly good health most of their lives. The only mention found about Dan's health was when he had his collar bone broken right after arriving in Salt Lake area (Big Cottonwood). It was a great joy to read his entries in his book, for he kept an account of everything, even work on his own shoes and his family. A few lines read:

29 Dec--mended my girls shoes.

1870--mended shoes for self--$l.50

Mended shoes for self--$2.50

Made a pair of shoes for J M Smith--$5.00

Mended my womens shoes $.75

2 pair small shoes for J. Allen --$2.50

Sarah Becomes Lonely and Ill

In the fall of 1891 Sarah became very lonely for her daughter Harriet whom she had not seen for quite a long time. Harriet lived in Parowan, her son George went horse back now and then to see his folks at Escalante, but Harriet couldn't ride that far on a horse. Someone took her to Parowan in a wagon where she enjoyed visiting for some time, but her failing health continued to worsen. She became afraid, she was going to die and wanted to go back home to be near her beloved husband when that happened. A bed was made in a wagon and she was taken the many long miles back to Escalante to be near her husband. She soon passed away and was buried in the Escalante Cemetery. Cause of death was listed as quick consumption, sort of pneumonia. She passed away on 3 Jan. 1892, just two days before her 58th birthday.

Daniel Becomes Ill

Although 87, Daniel appeared to be in good health. He attended Sarah's funeral on the 5th, spoke in the Sunday service on the 7th and it was said he gave "an excellent sermon." He always did for he was an excellent speaker and much in demand for few knew the Gospel principals better than he. As has been said, he had been trained at the School of the Prophets and at the side of the Prophet Joseph Smith. They had been taught so well at Kirtland that even the Lord Himself made special, mention of it to Joseph Smith. (Quote Joseph Smith Seer-Prophet.)

That January day was a very chilly one. The church had but one small stove. As the stand where Daniel sat was near the door, he became very cold. On the 8th he took with chills and fever, it became necessary to put him to bed. He lived but a few days. He called all his children who were available to his bedside and sent word to those not able to come to him at that time that he desired to admonish each of them to stay close to the church and to never leave it. He then sat up in his bed stretched out his arms and said "Wait for me Sarah. We'll go in together". He lay back on his pillow and was gone, 15 January 1892, just 12 days after Sarah had passed away. He was 87 years one month, 6 days old. He had retained his mental faculties up to the very last. Of his 26 children, 17 survived him. (He had 16 boys and 10 girls.)

So once again that faithful servant of the Lord had fulfilled his mission, knowing without a doubt that no matter how or when, "families are forever". Louisa Jane was apparently still in good health. She lived on in the home awhile, and then went to live with a daughter in Teasdale. When she became ill she was taken back to Escalante where she passed away 26 July 1902. She was buried beside her beloved husband, Daniel, 28 July 1902. So there they all three lie to rest, a wife on either side and his first love Mary Ann, alone in the grave on the side of Soap Creek, but surely the three wives share his love in their home in the eternities where, once again I say, "Families are together Forever."

Sources: (By Ila Lone Bauer, gr-grand-dau.) Bingham Camp of the DUP
Hattie Esplin Grand-niece, May 1952, Salt Lake City
Eileen C. Smith – Preston Idaho


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